مهارات الكتابة

Man in his 30s sitting by the table, writing

تنمية مهارات المتدربين في مجال الكتابة بمختلف اشكالها وتصحيح أبرز الأخطاء الشائعة وذلك من خلال إكسابهم المعارف والخبرات والاتجاهات والمهارات اللازمة للكتابة “سيكون لدى الطالب معرفة بمبادئ الكتابة الإعلامية · مهارة كتابة الأخبار و صياغتها بأسلوب سهل و بسيط · وسيكون لديه عدد من الأدوات الخاصة التي ستساعده في عمله في مجال الكتابة الإبداعية.”

مهارات التواصل  و فنون التأثير في الآخرين

Influencer Marketing, Concept of Information and Influence Propagation in Social Networks

يكتسب الطلاب طرقا واساليب تعزز ثقتهم في انفسهم وتعيد اكتشافهم لمقدراتهم ومواهبهم  ، حيث  تمنحم الورشة مفاتيح أساسية للتركيز عليها   خلال حديثهم واستماعهم وتفاعلهممن الاخرين ، وتنبههم الى ممارسات افضل في التعامل والتداول مع الناس و المواقف  المتنوعة بشكل افضل بالتركيز على ماذا سيقولون وكيف سيقولونه و بتحكم واع في لغة الجسد والايماءات الإلمام بمفهوم […]

Virtualization Technology

The workshop will be face-to-face at Al Ain campus at Computer Lab BL01 and online for Abu Dhabi students Understanding the meaning of the virtualization Understanding the key benefits of using virtualization technology Illustrate the latest tools used in Virtualization

CGA Exhibition

Young Asian Graphic Designer Working on Computer.

The Computer Graphics and Animation department at Al Ain campus is pleased to invite to the CGA Exhibition where the students will showcase their talents and skills they obtained during their studies. Everyone is welcome to visit.

Stress Management

No stress

Often, organizational changes are stressful because some employees perceive aspects of the changes as threatening. These employees are more likely to quit, partially in reaction to their stress. To reduce the perception of threat, employees need to perceive the organizational changes as fair. Research indicates that those who have a positive change orientation before changes […]

Strategies for responding to bullying

People Bullying Young Woman at Work

This course examines the issues relating to Bullying. which is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems. After completing the course, […]

Social Networks

office desk with laptop with facebook website on screen, flat lay

The student will gain information about social media and how to create content on a different platforms. Discuss all kinds of social networks, concept, and social theories. Demonstrate the usage of social networks in different sectors and the new technologies used in creating content of the social networks.

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence using Python

Program code on computer display in magnifying glass. Close-up

The students will gain knowledge in the topic of Artificial Intelligence through hands-on exercises using Python. Demonstrate an understanding of Artificial Intelligence concepts and its applications. Create different Artificial Intelligence projects using Python. Pre-requisites: High School students with English background

First Aid

First aid kit on the table

The students will learn the basics of First Aid, during any health-related emergencies. 1. Identify different types of injuries 2. Outline the appropriate first aid measures for several different types of health-related emergencies. Pre-requisites: High School students with English background

Business & Enterprise Statups Challenge

multicultural young businesspeople discussing new business idea in office

Entrepreneurs learn how to apply their entrepreneurial skills from the workshop to the runway at this creative and business-oriented workshop. Entrepreneurship and business thinking opportunities. Adding value to a product and realizing a profit. Sharing ideas, peer-to-peer praise instead of peer pressure, and developing their communication and presentation skills. Improved understanding of how the feedback […]